Zooming in the time of Covid-19
After living in this pandemic for more than 6 months, I feel ready to express my feelings and opinions in a cogent manner. Working as a school occupational therapist-even during non global pandemic times, everyday is different. Working remotely has certainly had it’s challenges, but I must say that in my experience there has been a lot of positive experiences for my self and the families I am honored to work with. Yes, we need to attend to the IEP goals, yes there have been technology issues, but I must admit, all these barriers not insurmountable and have for the most part been overcome.
Yes, it is true that some families will continue to be dysfunctional and one cannot expect those people to suddenly be the responsible and supportive families that their children need them to be in order to reach their highest potential. The school house cannot do it all!
That being said, I have had great success with the zoom interactions I have had with the students (and therefore families) that I work with.
Parents are able to actually pay attention to my recommendations, and I am able to see them working with their child in their home environment. I am able to tweak what parents are doing and I am seeing real progress.
Yes, this global pandemic is truly a horror, but not all outcomes are negative.